The CORE Requirements

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Theory of Knowledge is part of the IB CORE. This interdisciplinary requirement stimulates critical reflection on the knowledge and experience gained in and out of the classroom. It is a course about critical thinking and inquiring into the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. Students are challenged:

  • to question the bases of knowledge,
  • to appreciate other cultural perspectives,
  • to be aware of subjective and ideological biases,
  • and, to develop the ability to analyze evidence that is expressed in rational argument.

Currently SRHS offers TOK in the senior year of the DP through Mr. Hall's class.

Assessments in TOK

  • The TOK Presentation which is Internally Assessed (IA) by a teacher from SRHS.
    • 33% of overall grade for TOK based on a topic selected by the student
  • The TOK paper which is Externally Assessed (EA) by an international, IB-trained Examiner
    • 67% of overall grade for TOK based on the student's essay response (1600 word maximum) to one of six prescribed essay titles

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

  • Students are required to engage in service-learning activities outside of the classroom that incorporate opportunities to strengthen their creativity, physical activity, and service to others.
  • Students are required to perform 150 CAS hours over a two-year period.
    • 50 hours in Creativity
    • 50 hours in Activity
    • 50 in Service
    • These hours also help students earn their Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
    • SRHS uses ManageBac which is a website that helps students, teachers, the IB Coordinator, and parents to track student progress.
    • Please review our ManageBac webpage for information and instructions for creating an account

The Extended Essay (EE)

  • A 4,000 word college level essay
  • Students choose the topic from a major academic subject area
  • Students conduct a research investigation
  • School-based mentors supervise the EE
  • Colleges recognize that this level of research and writing surpasses other accelerated program requirements
  • Externally Assessed by an international, IB-trained Examiner
  • SRHS has an EE advisor, Mrs. Infanzon, who oversees the entire process.

The EE, TOK, and Earning the Diploma

The EE and TOK help students earn the Diploma by adding points to their total. If a DP student does NOT complete the EE or the TOK assessments, the students will NOT earn the diploma. Below is a matrix to help you understand HOW the EE and TOK help students.

Core Requirements

Examples of how the matrix helps students:

  • The student earns an "A" on the EE and an "A" on TOK; student earns 3 BONUS points
  • The student earns an "A" on the EE and an "C" on TOK; student earns 2 BONUS points
  • The student earns an "D" on the EE and an "D" on TOK; student earns 0 BONUS points

Failing Condition

  • If a student doesn't get at least a D on either the EE or in TOK, the student cannot earn the diploma.
  • The Asterisk explained
    • From 2010 onwards, 28 points overall will be required to be eligible for the diploma if a student attains an "E" grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge. As previously, a grade "A" in one of the requirements earns an extra point even if the other is a grade "E". Attaining a grade "E" in both the extended essay and theory of knowledge continues to represent an automatic failure.

ALL students are informed of these requirements throughout the entire process to ensure success.